Bird Care with Nurse Cody


Non-stick Cookware & Other Household Items

Items made with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE/PFOA/Teflon) is toxic to birds (and humans). The gas released when heated is extremely dangerous and may result in respiratory distress, causing death.

Avoid using non-stick coated items such as woks, frying pans, baking trays and baskets, waffle irons, George Forman grills, and similar heated items. PTFE is sneaky and can also be found in irons, ironing boards/covers, glue guns, certain heat-lamps, heavy duty aluminum foil, oven liners, and hair dryers.

The self-cleaning oven cycle is also a big no-no. 

See Kitchen Hazards for more details.

Passive Inhalation

Cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoke can cause chronic eye problems, skin irritation, and respiratory disease. Birds that live in homes with smokers may develop coughing, sneezing, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis. Second-hand smoke will cause a bird to develop secondary bacterial infections, which can prove fatal. Second-hand smoke from marijuana can also cause depression and regurgitation.

Burning foods, over-heated cooking oils, incense, candles*, and smoke from fire can cause fatal inhalations

*Look online for bird-safe candles.

Disinfectants & Household Cleaning Agents

Chlorine bleach, phenols, Febreeze, Glade Plug-ins (or anything similar), and ammonia can all have dangerous vapors that can cause irritation, toxicosis, and even death.

Common Household Aerosol Products

Perfume, deodorant, hairs pray, and pump-sprays with propellant can cause respiratory problems in birds. They may cause severe inflammation and difficulty breathing. After a large or direct exposure, death can occur.

Other Respiratory Concerns

Natural gas leaks can cause sudden death.

Any type of heater, used improperly or with inadequate ventilation can be deadly to birds.

Carbon monoxide, an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas, can also be fatal to birds and humans. Anyone with pet birds should have a working carbon monoxide monitoring device.


Birds should never be left unsupervised outside of their cage. This is especially true when you have a dog, cat, or any other carnivorous critters roaming around. Even if they appear docile around your bird, it’s not worth the risk. Bacteria found in the mouth of mammals may cause fatal septicemia (infection in the bloodstream). If your bird is bit, it’s important to take them for treatment immediately.


• Avians are capable of picking up on facial expressions and body language. You can actually frown at your bird to express distaste for their actions.

• Speak softly, but sternly. Use a tone of voice that is low, but not loud. Be as "matter of fact" as possible and keep it short.

• After conveying your dissatisfaction, place your bird on their cage or perch. Give them a few minutes to reflect on what happened. Then go back and interact playfully with them.

They should know that you are no longer upset with them and that they are now being a good bird. 

Be consistent, be patient, and never physically harm or neglect your bird.


Birds hide their illnesses. If they begin to exhibit any of these symptoms, get them an appointment with an Avian Vet ASAP. It could save their life.

Unusual Droppings, Ruffled Feathers, Excessive Sleepiness, Reduced Appetite, Cloudy Eyes, Open-Mouthed Breathing, Dirty Feathers, Weight Loss, Tail Bobbing, Changes in Vocalizations, Red, Inflamed, or Runny Cere (Nose), Sitting at the Bottom of Cage

Yearly wellness exams prevent underlying issues from becoming big problems.


Each of the items listed vary from toxic to causing potential stomach upset. Please check online for more details! (Will make a post about this in detail soon).

Alcohol, Asparagus, Avocado, Beef, Cabbage, Caffeine, Celery, Chocolate, Dairy, Dried Beans, Eggplant, Garlic, Honey, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Onions, Peanuts, Processed Food, Rhubarb, Salt, Spoiled/Moldy Food, SugarThe Following Fruit Seeds: Apple, Apricot, Cherry, Peach, Pear, Plum, Nectarine


As cute as it is, you should not go to sleep with a bird cuddled against you, under your blanket, or anywhere near where you’re going to sleep. If you are tired, make sure they are safely returned to their cage before turning in.

Birds that are allowed to sleep in bed with owners are at risk for suffocation or life-threatening trauma, such as lodging between the bed and the frame, stuck under a pillow, or rolled on top of.

A word about birds from Nerdy Ass Voice Actor & Critical Role Game Master: