
The Mission
The concept of Birdhism came about after many years of volunteering with various avian rescue groups, and sharing a home with a large variety of companion birds, many of which who had special needs.
Through these experiences, it was concluded that the lives of these complex and often misunderstood creatures had room for improvement.
To make the misunderstood understood, education and community outreach has been the main focus of Birdhism since it started online in 2014. With a background in illustration and design, Birdhism endeavors to make learning about bird care fun, with simple and cute informational resources both online and off.
The unique, stylized graphics and merchandise shared throughout the bird community allows bird lovers to express their love for their feathery family members, opening the door to communication about their lives and needs.
As Birdhism continues on its mission, we hope to be able to make a greater financial impact on rescue, sanctuary, and conservation efforts.

All my birds are special, but Clifford the Conure and Cody the Lovebird are my biggest inspirations. Clifford was my first Special Needs buddy. He was like Cody in many ways, both were born with splayed-legs and both enjoyed traveling around with me in a travel carrier.
I knew Clifford wasn’t in 100% of health, but he deserved a happy life just as all critters do. He unfortunately passed away from a sudden seizure attack at an Emergency Clinic. This was the worst heartbreak I’ve ever felt.
In his memory I volunteered at the South FL Wildlife Center that gave him a chance and adopted him out to me. From there I learned so much and met many wonderful people. No Paw Left Behind opened their rescue to No Feather Left Behind. This journey and a random doodle of Cody in 2014 eventually evolved into the Chubby Bird Collection.
Thank you!