My Flock
Cody - Best Boi
His full description can be found in the About Cody Section.
Lolita - Fabulous Goth
Found outside in Weston, FL. Someone must have loved her because she is very affectionate and an all around great bird. We put up notices online, but no one stepped forward, so she became a permanent resident.
To Cody's dismay, Lolita loves basking with him under his warm lamp. For a time he'd give her a sassy peep whenever she approached, but he has since gotten used to her company. I gave her her own lamp, and it's just not the same. She seldom uses it. It has to be Cody's. I don't know if she's trolling or trying to bond with him.
Jester came along and despite being a troll, they will be seen snuggling and preening one another.
She loves purses and bags. If she spots one, she tends to dive in.
Jester - The Lovederp
Demands out of the cage time by launching her water bowl across her cage. If there is trouble to get into, Jester jumps in face first. Knocking things over, starting trouble with Wiggly Bean.
Hilda & Francis - Husbird & Wifebird
Hilda the Sassy Lovebird and her Husbird Francis, the English budgie were intended to only be fosters, but due to Hilda's EXTREME SASS, they were returned twice, and thus became my beloved foster failures.
On occasion, Hilda will lay eggs, and Francis being a good boi will sit on them for her. I fortunately don't have to worry about babies with these two.

Miss Cockatiel - The Tsundere
So Pretty
Sugar The determined
Loki Daddy Lovebird
Runty & Squirmy Troll Siblings
Neville & Harry Dangle Babies
Mikey & Piko Da Bebes
Elly-bird - The OG
Wiggly Bean The Wiggly Bean
In Memoriam
Mommy Lovebird