About Cody

Cody The Lovebird
Birdhisattva | Magical Bird | Tiny Nurse
• Loves millet and cheek rubs
• Wants humans to be nice to birds
• Best boi and smol friend
Saving the world through the power of cute.
Magical Bird Cody

What type of bird is Cody?
He is a Red-suffusion Factor mutation of a Peach-faced Lovebird. The red mixed with the green to make his lovely chocolate coloring.

Some people suggest that his colors are the way they are because of advanced liver disease. While thereare birds who morph into this color when they’re suffering from this ailment, there are also birds that are naturally this color. A Cody-fan reported hers to have lived to the ripe age of 18. There’s also documentations of this type of mutation:

How old is he?
I’m not quite sure of his actual age as he was fully grown when I took him in. He seemed to be on the young-side when we met back in 2012, so I think he's close to being around 5 years old.

Where did Cody come from?
Cody came from Chippy the Pirate, a local South Florida bird shop. Clive the owner, would often take in birds with disabilities and in need of help; birds like Cody.
I would visit the shop, pick up some fresh mix and various other bird goodies, and say "Hi" to the feathered residents. Residents like a Black-headed Caique that was missing half his face due to an ailment (I think cancer) that was loved and cared for, and a sweet, half-nude Golden Conure. Sometimes the Hyacinth Macaws would step up and help me with my shopping... and one would try to chomp my hand.
Towards the back of the shop, next the wall of toys, sat a little chocolate-colored lovebird, although it wasn't his colors that drew me to him. Something else special about him. Going by his posture, I could tell he had Splayed-legs, a condition that can be corrected, but depending on its severity and only if it's caught when they're bones are still growing.
I inquired about him and Clive told me his cagemates were bullying him at the Breeder's, so he took him in. (It's actually common for birds to bully and even kill other birds that have issues.) I felt that I needed him in my life, but I didn't want to be impulsive, so I waited a week, saw he was still there, and took that nugget home.
Clive gave me the cage he lived in and some fresh mix. He didn't ask for anything in return, although I did throw some funds in the rescue fund jar.
He had the same leg issues as Clifford, my beloved Cherry-headed Conure who passed away, shattered my heart, and started me on my journey into bird rescue and outreach in his memory.
Clive passed away a few years ago and I'm forever grateful for him matching me up with my bird-son... truth be told, I don't really know if he's a boy or girl. Let's just say he's gender fluid.

How does he get around?
People think just because he likes to sit in my hand means that he's immobile, but don't be fooled. He scoots, climbs, shuffles, eats, preens, snuggles, and goes just about everywhere with me in the "Cody Purse".
When I worked in an office, he was an excellent little co-worker.

Can he fly?
Unfortunately not. Due to the his disability, he can't get the lift necessary to take off. That's ok, he still gets to go on adventures.

Where did you get that bed he's sitting in?
A friend of ours gave the original purple one to Cody as a present. They used to sell them at Petsmart, but they seem to have been discontinued. If anyone would like to make a handmade fluff-bed, here's a diagram:
If he’s up to it (which he often is, because he’s addicted to cheek rubs) he’ll go along with me to educational and adoption events. He is very much a people-bird and people light up when they see him. One would think he’d be tired by the end of the day's events, but surprisingly not. After everything is packed up, and we're ready to head home, he'll scoot to the door and do his "Pick me up!" peeps and shuffles. He actually becomes more demanding of snuggles.
I've learned a lot from Cody and the variety of other birds who have come into my life through the years of bird rescue. No matter how healthy someone seems or how much care they receive, no one is promised a tomorrow. Even a seemingly healthy person (or animal) can pass in an instant. Do your best to treat them with kindness, even when they're having a bad day and are full of sass. You never know when it will be the last time you spend time with them.
Cody is here to show the world that every being deserves love and compassion... Now check out DEM CHEEKS!

February 28th, 2020, our buddy went over to the Rainbow Bridge.
I feel it would be nice to celebrate his birthday (11/15) as a day where we take time to really spoil birds of all kinds, be it through hanging up a bird feeder, hooking your companion bird up with extra loves, contributing to conservation, rescue, or sanctuary work, anything positive for birds.
On 2/28, we can have a day of remembrance with learning; watching of educational bird videos, books, websites, so we can further honor birds in need.
I'd like to think that his spirit now knows fully how much we all loved him and of the positive change he brought to the world, and will continue to bring.
Through kind acts given towards birds, art, and wholesome memes, he will live on.