Peeps ask, "Can you draw a [THIS]?"
The answer is usually yes as long as it's SFW (Safe for Work), but as many of you know, there is a cost.
Custom Design & Production is time intensive, so b/c of the mission, inflation (rent went up $400), and because now I have a smol staff to pay, I'm needing to raise minimum rates on all Custom Designs to that of industry standard.
(Stock Stickers and Pins have not had an increase, tho!)

I'm learning about business as I go along, reading books, seeking guidance from folks with experience.
This whole time, I've been trying to grow Birdhism in the most ethical way I can manage, which is honestly slow-going and perhaps unconventional based on what I interpret to be the norm, but ohhh I'm trying.
- I don't want to take money and answer to greedy investors that put themselves first.
- I want to avoid a business loan b/c I'm a millennial who was raised during the financial crisis which makes big loans scary. Also, a loan isn’t a long term solution and is only going to increase costs.
- I don't have family to borrow from.
- I wanna try kickstarter, but based on what my friends who went that route told, it can get chaotic with delays, quality control, and custom service... Still on the list tho.

To make my dream a reality, I gotta raise custom rates to that of standard professional design rates. (I've been in the field for 15+ years, I just hate asking for money.)
I always try to be as transparent as possible with you, Sweet Peeps. I'm nothing without the community. I want to answer to your needs. I want to offer you cute bird goodies and useful/wholesome content. I'm figuring out ways to do that and make everyone happy; you, birds, me, the Birdhism team, and I.
I do take Doodle Requests on Sundays for free on my
Twitch Channel for folks that hang around with us for a bit.
I appreciate your support, I appreciate any advice you can give so we can make the world a better place for both birds and people.