An Accident Happened...
Jennifer Budrock
An Accident Happened...
Putting myself out there. Feeling vulnerable, awful, guilty. If anything, hopefully, bird lovers can learn from this.
Came home from doing bloodwork to check to see if I have any blood-clotting issues they can pinpoint that caused my eye stroke last year. (This is all likely from OG Covid in October 2020). Bleh...
I was changing waters and let the cages open for Flutter Time. I know Jester goes on the floor; that's why I shuffle my feet and open doors slowly, thinking I'm prepared for my Fluffy Floor Troll.
We sorta joke in chat, "Why do birds have death wishes? Nothing is bird-proof, only bird-resistant". Seriously though, they actively try to get into all the things they shouldn't, do all the things I wish they wouldn't. This is the reason I'm so passionate about getting the word of bird care out. It's so easy to make a mistake, especially with the smaller ones. If more people were aware of their "tricks" maybe it could save a life and a person from heartache.
Jester charged out of her usual spot and latched onto my sock. "Lol, you dopey bird, get off the floor." I reacted by side-swinging my foot to hoist her into a flutter, so she'd take off and land anywhere else but the floor.
She fluttered.
She also held on.
She swung under my foot.
I stepped down.
Not all the way, but enough to do damage.
I panicked. I noticed she was under there real quick. I lifted my foot. She flew to the top of her house. The vet said adrenaline probably took hold and gave her the boost.
She puked once. She had labored breathing. She was upright, but dazed. Probably had some shock happening?
I spent about 30 minutes trying to get a local avian vet that saw birds. In the past, I took Mikey & Piko to Westgate for check ups, but they're not prepped for an emergency. Not like my old vet in FL was. (Backos Bird Clinic).
I was bounced to multiple vet practices, some with "& Bird" in their name. No luck.
To Houston, I go. Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists is about 2.75 hours North. Jester survived the ride.
Lolita was there for emotional support for everyone.
They saw her right away. The staff was great. Great communication. They put her on oxygen, pain meds, chill meds. Did an X-ray.
She has 3 fractures, one of which is a rib. Her lung had damage.

I worked on a portrait of her through tears. I've been working on it before the accident. I draw what I love, and I love this googly-eyed baby so much. I was praying it wasn't going to be a memorial piece.
I got a call from the vet that I could pick her up the next day. I was so happy. Birds are simultaneously tough and fragile. I tried to prepare for her not coming home, but there is no preparing for that, so I focused on drawing.
She gave me the low down on aftercare protocol. Basically she needs to be a lump for 6-8 weeks and continue on her meds. She needs to be re-checked/x-rayed in 4 weeks.
They gave her lupro to prevent the hornies. She needs all her calcium for healing, not laying eggs. The hornies also caused the desire to "nest" under the bed/on the floor.
Trying to find a silver lining...
Through this, I learned there IS an avian vet shortage. I want to advocate for better treatment of avian vets, spread awareness of the shortage, and maybe try to encourage peeps to take up the practice.
Long post... Trying to give you as much info as possible.
She is currently doped up. Spoiled with millet. She's next to me in the work nest right now. Lolita has cage visits so they can smooch.

I will continue to beat myself up. I should have put down the water and scooped her up. I should put her in the house unless I'm stationary and the door is locked to prevent BF from entering and potentially putting her in danger. Please learn from me.
Keep birds off the floor as much as possible. Even if they have a "spot", they can and will migrate from that spot and put themselves in danger.
Tough times part 2, starring *Me*:
While Jester was in Houston, I was a St. David's Medical Center near Austin, waiting for a CT Scan of my brain to confirm whether or not I actually have a blood clot in my brain. (Shroedinger's Blood Clot).
I filled out the paperwork and at the end of it, they told me I needed about $1200 to proceed with the scan. I said I don't have that kind of money right now and left. This is with medical insurance.
I had an MRI done last year, but they can't make out if there's an issue or not? I don't know how MRIs work or in this case, kinda not work? I had a Neurologist & a Neurosurgeon say it's "probably" nothing. "Probably" is a little scary when it comes to the health of my brain... but since times are tough, I'm currently taking a gamble that it's hopefully nothing, unless I can raise enough funds to cover some of it, be it through here, or over time scrounging.
(I blame OG Covid for this clotting and brain stuff. I had it *BAD* Oct 2020, then long covid happened pretty throughout 2021 with brain fog and breathing issues, dizziness, and the eye stroke. The eye is ok now, but so much testing even a year later. So expensive.
So I'm going through stuff, which seems to kinda be the norm for me. If my birds are happy, usually I'm happy, but with Jester hurt because of me, trying to recoup financially from LIFE, I'm having trouble coping.
Jester will be cared for no matter the result of the gofundme. I know the economy is poop right now, I know everyone is fighting their own battle, so I feel bad for making a Gofundme, but as the self-help books say, to put it out there into the universe.
I love to give when possible. It brings me joy. Maybe there are fellow givers out there that find the same joy?
I appreciate your consideration. Please forgive this bird lover for sinning against the cause so dear to me. Please learn from my stupids and let's all continue to do better by birds.
I don't have the total for the CT Scan b/c it was on the device I signed up on and didn't think I'd being doing a GFM for it...
I don't have the total for the CT Scan b/c it was on the device I signed up on and didn't think I'd being doing a GFM for it...
I added some $ for the recheck and GFM's fees.

I went to pick up a bin and screened lid to act as a better hospital cage, and I come back to see the goal is almost reached. Whaaaaaaat??? Holy fluffs. Thank you! Aaaaa! Wow.
I rescheduled the scan for the 6th of May!
I rescheduled the scan for the 6th of May!
More on Jester:
The Dr. said she could have wrapped her up and try to set her injuries, but lovebirds don’t tend to react well to that and she could just end up hurting herself more.
I have her next to me in the work nest. Lolita has visitation intervals to smooch.
Jennifer Budrock
Get well soon Jester!!! :)
Don’t beat yourself up Hooman. I’m sure Jester doesn’t. If at all, Jester might be blaming herself for going into the sock. :(
So you gotta be strong and continuously loving so Jester can be encouraged.
(Sorry, our Hooman just finished watching an episode of Tomorrow on Netflix, and it’s about a dog trying to commit suicide because he felt it’s all his fault why his Hooman is failing in life)
Keep loving!
- 🌙 and ☁️
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