Cockatoos: Awesome Animals, Awful Pets
Cockatoos are some of the most incredible birds on the planet. They’re highly intelligent, affectionate, and full of personality. However, they are one of the most difficult animals to keep.
Cockatoos are some of the most incredible birds on the planet. They’re highly intelligent, affectionate, and full of personality. However, they are one of the most difficult animals to keep.
In the wild, parrots are busy creatures, thriving in environments full of social interaction, activity, and natural foraging. Their surroundings keep them engaged both mentally and physically, which is why feather plucking—a self-destructive behavior common in pet parrots—is rarely observed in wild parrots.
It's World Budgie Day! In this house, we highly respect THE BUDGEHS. Budgerigars/Parakeets may be smol, but their immense personalities and int...
Elly, my first higher-maintenance bird (Dusky Conure) came from Petco, one of the larger pet store store chains. Her antics made me fall in love. Excitedly, she paced, tripped, got back up, bounced happily. She was irresistible. I impulsively purchased her, not knowing what I was really getting into. This was 2006-ish, there wasn't much bird info around back then...
I would love if we could make November 15th Happy Bird Day in memory of Cody the Lovebird.